
Showing posts from October, 2013

I did it my way

'you did all the dangerous things that I dislike' ... It appears as I have always been a disappointment to him... but this is my way, my way to treasure my life, to feel that I am alive Alhamdulillah I managed to do wall climbing today  and it was amazing and I want to do it again probably being serious about it too! With a bruise at my right elbow as a proved that I did it ,I went home feeling satisfied to reach my short term goal. Today I learnt, .. getting down is much harder than climbing up, this makes me think about those people who committed suicide due to bankruptcy after reaching their highest point in their life and suddenly being hit hard to the lowest point in their life, that must how it feels like. And life is just that, you thought that after reaching/passing the things that you aimed for you are done for but unfortunately you will find another bumpy rides, but you just have to go on, you can't cling on to the present forev

Anonymous, P/S I adore you

I have just watched one of the talk show who interviewed one of the celebrity (which I don't know who) and how she mentioned most of her life she was shadowed by the need to have a man to define who she really was... and I was astonished at how true her words are, most of the women I have met, including those near to me for example my mother feels exactly the same way... and me without realising this before am thankful for I am at peace for not having any men to over shadow or to define who I am, definitely due to Him and the gift to be able to understand the real meaning of life. With the opportunity that I get to study in the UK and travel to some part of the world, I must say that it is just how it is any where in this world, I am not saying that it is wrong, certainly it is a bless to find that perfect match and for him to be able to protect and perfect each other BUT it is also all right to not meet that special person and be happy with what you have... not to be jud

Transitional period which bring no changes

Every one expect for a better change in their life, and so do I. Life is an ever going long journey for the mind,soul and physical, There will never be an end to it unless He decided that it is the time, And until then, you shall continue in this journey with all your might, No matter how tough it gets, With your very last breath you are suppose to strive and leave the rest to Him. And with only faith that your heart can be at peace, Knowing that only Him that matters and life here means nothing more than a play. Just like how the sun shine, refreshing and brightened up the life, never it fails Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, On the 18th of October 2013 marked my day as an MO, unfortunately I know nothing will change nor be better. Life gets tougher as you go on, so I know I will pull through, but these two years taught me a lot about myself and others. The extent to people will go to achieve what they believe, which is a good thing in the beginning but