
Alhamdulillah segala puji-pujian bagi Allah swt yang memilik hati-hati hambaNya.

Alhamdulillah,hari ni selesai satu paper,EMI. Aku serahkan segalaNya kepadaMu. Moga diberi yang terbaik.

Dalam masa sebulan lalu, sungguh banyak yang ingin Allah perlihatkan kepadaku. Hanya Allah tahu the ups and downs. I couldn't imagined how I get through it all definitely semuanya hasil kekuatan kurniaanNya.

Banyak yang ingin digarapkan,insyaAllah akan dikongsikan kemudian. Esok merupakan paper terakhir untuk kos ku ini, ie written exam, doakan moga Allah permudahkan urusan kami di sini. Sungguh tiada kekuatan tanpaNya, if dah baca semua pun tapi lupa apa guna kan?haha,this morning the last question I do not remember much although I have read them. Alhamdulillah :) am happy that Allah is teaching me the meaning of 'lahawlawala quwwata illah billah'.

Just taking few minutes break from this confusing leukemia conditions to share about get back on your feet when you fall!!! Never lose hope on HIM, never! No matter how hard it seems, how impossible is this life to get by, always have faith in HIM.

Never let a day pass without you trying your very best to make it better than yesterday, may not be the best 'est day of your life but at least better than the day before. You never stands alone, HE will guide you! always.

Ya Allah,do guide us, I have so many things to demand in life but none that matter if it is not with your blessings, give me what I need and guide me through. Ameen


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