I am happy when the people I love is happy

Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah

I haven't felt like this for a long time,
This feeling is different,
Feels like everything is blooming,
Although it has been raining since morning.

I am learning more about myself day by day,
I am happy when the people I love is happy,
To see them laughing together,
Appreciating the time spent although not for forever,
No worries or any hidden agenda.

I hope this can lasts forever,
I am missing those smiles,
Those faces,
But now I am at peace,
As I know there are as one again.


Thank you very so much Allah

cannot stop smiling today :)
Ain be good and study hard.hehe, stop playing fb!

Mak,E and Ain, this is for you...


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