My whines

This year for me is the hardest to get through it seems, tests after tests come and go. Although it is the the same old cycle, I seemed to fall every time. Sad and pathetic.

I feel so tired of all these, my health seems to go down with my physical and spiritual state. No more tears are left to cry for and no more shoulder to turn to. I feel like escaping far away from this state that I am being now.

Nothing that I have done seems right and the output does not match the input or even just the plan. I am angry with this! It always worked perfectly or even better before, never it be as this disaster.

And the world, it is crying and trying so hard to wake the so called 'best man ever created' who does not seems to response very well to it. Instead we are good at making up excuses for all the wrong doings that we have done. How shameful and 'smart' are we o mankind? Not using our brain to think but to deceive others and Allah swt (again here the brain is no use at all as if it is used we will know that HE is all knowing no matter with your act but your feelings as well!)

A quiz for you, what thing is lawful and yet is most disliked by Allah?

Divorce! Yes my dear friend. I am surrounded by four families who wanted to get a divorce at one time. I am so frustrated and sad. The children's well being is being jeopardise due to their parent's mistakes. Trust me it happened because of one or the other did wrong things, everything happens for a reason.

Next in lined is Malaysia, o my beloved country,you seems to be proud of all the ruling government has made, NOT!

'Najib declares support for US campaign against Iran' isn't this acting just like the Arab's reaction towards Palestine? I am not against something that promote peace and love spreading messages but our action must be fair and the condition should be analysed before a decision is made! Remember my dear ruler, HE dislikes those who transgress. Talking about nuclear back down EVERY country should be doing so including the leading countries who justify their act just because they are in power! Duh, if you can't see that how can you be expected to rule a country fairly.

What am I trying to say?

What I have learn as a recipe to keep you well not happy but at least enough to keep you continue the life :)

Too much whining makes you slow! and feel hopeless especially when it involved things outside your circle of influence.

Too much thinking is no good either. You think of things that you can act upon not dwell too much on your future.

Too much of anything is no good, for that just tired your mind, body and soul so always be moderate in what you do,think or act. You do not need to wins people heart by going to the extreme but be what you are and let HIM pay you off.

And for the issues that I have just mentioned, I have yet too much writing about it that I need to do but I am sure that we all have the brain and the capacities on our own to evaluate the conditions and seek for an action that can be done to help at least a little tiny bit, even just by writing them in you blog (and letting people to think for themselves like me because I am lazy to write them down .huhu)

And finally, HE mentioned in his holy book, our attitudes toward life what is it? Have a guess!
As right as HE is, if we did not notice this we might be at a lost.

'It is We Who have placed you with authority on earth, and provided you therein with means for the fulfilment of your life: small are the thanks that ye give!' (Al-Araf:10)

'And how many populations We destroyed, which exulted in their life (of ease and plenty)! now those habitations of theirs, after them, are deserted,- All but a (miserable) few! and We are their heirs!' (Al-Qasas:58)

and my favourite but the meaning changes in English so I have to make them in Malay :)

'(Mengapa mereka bersikap demikian?) dan mengapa mereka tidak melihat (dengan hati mereka) bahawa Allah memewahkan rezeki bagi sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya (sebagai cubaan adakah orang itu bersyukur atau sebaliknya) dan Dia juga yang menyempitkannya (sebagai ujian samada diterima dengan sabar atau tidak)? Sesungguhnya hal yang demikian itu mengandungi keterangan-keterangan (yang membuktikan kekuasaan Allah) bagi orang-orang yang beriman.' (Ar-Rum:37)

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p/s: and yes I am being home sick again and again. 6 more weeks to go til home. O Allah keep me strong as the tests back home is more challenging than this. Those warmth sun, cool breeze and the sweet smell of home....


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