Transitional period which bring no changes

Every one expect for a better change in their life, and so do I.
Life is an ever going long journey for the mind,soul and physical,
There will never be an end to it unless He decided that it is the time,
And until then, you shall continue in this journey with all your might,
No matter how tough it gets,
With your very last breath you are suppose to strive and leave the rest to Him.

And with only faith that your heart can be at peace,
Knowing that only Him that matters and life here means nothing more than a play.

Just like how the sun shine, refreshing and brightened up the life, never it fails
Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah,
On the 18th of October 2013 marked my day as an MO, unfortunately I know nothing will change nor be better. Life gets tougher as you go on, so I know I will pull through, but these two years taught me a lot about myself and others.

The extent to people will go to achieve what they believe,
which is a good thing in the beginning but when it is not properly guided and not taking into consideration that we are all human,
It will all falls down.

I am not a better doctor or person at all to be saying all these, furthermore talking about managing human resources as I have the opportunity to manage human per se in a large level but I think I deserve to say this out.

1.Think of us as human, chebal!

I am not just a doctor, I am also a daughter to two patients who need my tender love and care, I am a sister and I am human, who gets tired and deserve a break. Let me break this down...

In France is since 1 July 2002 the legal length of the working week 35 hours in all types of companies. The working day may not exceed 10 hours. The maximum working day may be extended to 12 hours under a collective agreement. In principle, no more than 48 hours a week may be worked. Overtime payments are: 
• 25 % an hour for each of the first eight hours of overtime 
• 50 % extra for each hour after that
Night work performed between 21 hours and 6 hours may not in principle exceed 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week (44 hours if governed by decree or collective agreement). Night work is compensated with weekly rest days or extra pay.

HolidayIn France all workers have a right to paid leave once they have worked at least 1 month during the years. Workers are then entitled to two-and-a-half working days leave for each month worked five weeks of paid leave per year worked. France has 10 public holidays. 


Obviously I am not asking for this amazing law to be implemented here in Malaysia as this law is being implemented after many years of revolution and becoming a developed country, but I am asking that we stop comparing the current system with the old ones which is worst and start thinking ahead and working towards achieving this instead. There is no point to look back, history is to be learnt not to be repeated.

2. Appreciate your good workers

It is a habit in Malaysia, even the culture not to praise or reward those who qualify but if it is a negative thing, the news spread in seconds. How disappointing, when I was in the UK, it is a positive feedback where you will be appreciated for your good things and be criticise in a NON HUMILIATING way by your superior. 

I think I am a good worker! but because of that I was being attacked many times, taking for granted in all possible ways and still I tend to be just the way I am because I believe in this world, what you give you get back. And to my all colleagues who I disregard as not so good workers, I can understand why you act the way you do but please buckle up and get your life straight, deal with your matters, seek help but do not run away and cause other people trouble because the system is all ready a failure and if we, ourself unable to function then it will worsened the current situation and the viscous cycle just continue without failure! 

It will be a better environment if we work as a team and carry the burden together and stop being selfish! This is a reminder especially to myself. 

3. Tolerance and fairness

no point if only one side is putting the effort right?
One thing I learnt is no one in Malaysia, and I meant it!!! NO ONE act like the way they want to be treated be it on the road, the mall ooo the toilet (don't even get me started on that) or at work, all we think is about ourself,

I am the only one that is late!
I know it is a fast lane counter but what the heck other people is doing it too- and there you are with groceries fully loaded in your cart!
Cleanliness??? Doesn't matter it is not my job let the cleaner do them! I pay my income tax

How do you think we are going to survive? Have you been nowhere but Malaysia? How you ever heard of the swiss cheese model theory? Our mind is still too narrow to know how much better it is in the other part of the world. Your heart refuse to study that even if you are a third world country you still can have a mind of a developed country. But here all we do is complaint, not realising that the change begins within ourself (dig about the butterfly effect would you please! ) and it start with the thought that, I would live my life by acting exactly how I want to be treated by others.

Since I am in ED all I heard about is complaints and do you how lame it is? Especially when you act like a time bomb, being reactive rather than proactive. That is pathetic! You only see problems if there is a complaint, if not life goes on, sop or not no one cares. From the lowest of the hierarchy to the top man. I shall not debate on that today as I am too disappointed with our politician.

Prevention is better than cure, this picture is taken at Taroko National Park where you have to use the head gear in case any rocks fall upon you not that it ever happen
In my opinion if we all practice this way of thinking we will be more tolerance and fair to ourself and others. I love all humans, I think it is a blessing that HE created us so differently with the complexity but one true thing remains, we only want good things in our life, so does others.

So please let us change.

-I am at times, getting drifted away in this opportunistic society, forgetting how I dislikes to be treated the way I have been treated, so please remind me, O Allah keep me steadfast in Your way.

4. Dream high , it may just come true

I know this just another crappy notes about a HO who can't cope with the stress bla bla bla, you know what I am now a MO and still I feel the same. So it is not about me being a HO, MO or specialist (coz you can bet, me being me, I will still have a lot to say when I am there :) ) it is about me being a person, His servant in this world, who want a better world to live in, for my future generation. I see this as a problem at all level, the education,company level etc. I am sure this happens everywhere but probably that we talked too much.

So I will start with this dream, that I believe many of my colleagues/friends/ Malaysian who share the same dream will work/crawl/run/jump etc( it doesn't matter) towards achieving it,

Let us make a change,
A change that begins by changing ourself,
Please,smile when I smile at you, because I honestly feels like giving up at times at changing,
And your smile just may give me new hope,

I will stop pointing fingers,
I will just move on,
As this path will bring me to a better me,
As long as I believe in what I believe,
As long as I treat others just how I want to be treated,
Towards a better world for you and for me!

-I am not expecting anything in return, I am just longing for that excitement to come back to work because I love to do what I do, to study because I thirst for knowledge and to love because I want to, and none of this should happen because I have to! I am told life is too short for this, and that is how I learnt about sincerity....

Knowledge, travelling and a man(em that one need an extra effort) 
-I wonder do I talk too much because I study in the UK? Am I wronged on how I think?

you know point no.4 is a very important recipe ;) I think He has granted most of my dreams, Allahu Allah, countless blessings, thank you o Allah. So never look down upon the power of dreaming. All in all, all is good. 

Recent to Taiwan, I just want to be happy :) and this picture makes me happy


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