Here come the new year, Allahu Akbar

The reason why I write is to keep me sane! I need to process all the ideas and thoughts by writing and not because I just simply do it for the sake of this blog, unable to be on the internet for more than two weeks just make me realized that fact more.

Final year is here!

Alhamdulillah, all praises is to Allah swt. I cannot describe this feeling that I have, looking back 4 years ago, I never thought I would have come this far and it is ONLY by HIS help and guidance. I have been through so many things, being alone and the only few Malaysian Muslim or being with many Muslims; Malaysian and other places. I learnt that whatever it is you need to make sure HE is in your heart and in every action as at the end of the day, HE will be your only companion and judge. I also appreciate the importance to feel belonging, yes! To feel that you are part of something, as Allah has always said men and women are created as pairs, which mean you are not meant to be alone, be it being with your family or any community. The heart of men has been created so beautifully as it is so pure and gentle, just as water running down a stone it will finally shape it. Hence through love and kind actions can the heart of a man be happy and feel satisfied. It makes me wonder the love that the Prophet saw felt for Allah that causes him to sacrifice everything he owns. And Allah, my love for you is nothing like that and still I want to be among those in the heaven, astaghfirullah.

And I am back where I have started (close enough,) to Middlesbrough. Alhamdulillah. Keeping a positive mind and faith in HIM, this is definitely the best for me. I am still looking for some input religiously, it is quite difficult when you don’t know where to begin. Ya Allah, don’t leave me astray, guide me in YOUR path. Amen ya Rabb.

And although I am the only Muslim girl here I am going to make the best of it, Alhamdulillah I have Gaita and my housemates are all great, Holly, Selina and Rumina. InsyaAllah it will be a fruitful year J

Oooo and the boys, always make my day (although I laugh too much when I am around them,bad Ema!!!) Tahir, Gan, Hilmi, Safwan and Shuja. Thank you for everything, I feels like having a brother around in this dangerous city J

And my group mate as well, all hardworking and I am really looking forward for it! Kathryn, Leila, Chris and Bi you guys are great! J

Family, another step another lesson to be learnt

…………………….. I can’t unwrapped this by just writing, all I need is your pray for me and my family. Indeed HE will test you and it will get harder not easier!

1. Never punish anyone as you yourself are only a servant.

2. Do not put expectations on people, just fulfill yours

3. Listen and not only speak

4. Forgive and FORGET

5. Be thankful


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