The strength of a mother

'... in travail upon travail did his mother bear him, and in years twain was his weaning: (hear the command), "Show gratitude to Me and to thy parents: to Me is (thy final) Goal.' (Al-Luqman:14)

Indeed the hardship continues until death come knocking on their door.


I am amazed how 4 years in the UK made me forget about how much my mum has sacrificed. I do feel that I misses and appreciate her more from the distance however feeling and seeing will never be the same. And my mother, is the only person that I know who is pure in intention and action. Patience is her true companion no matter how bad the situation gets. Unfortunately, I am not as patience as her, which sometime annoys me as people just take her for granted and she still just smile.

Since last year tearful event, she has grown stronger. Although I tried her to follow my way to deal with the current situation as I am just like him, she never agrees, she believes action speaks louder than words, anger can be put off by cool water. I made her cried for saying things like, 'Mum, you have to be strong, with that you have to fight for your right, not to be bullied all the time. Show some action mum!' and she cried.... and I was left speechless but now I understand it.

The prophet has never raised his voice, always smiling and is the softest creature that has been created. Can you imagine being near a person who you can feel his purity, his warmth and love even without any actions or words? MasyaAllah.

Thinking back, all my actions toward him is wrong, full of anger and revenge, coming from this black, worthless heart. Astaghfirullah al-azim, I hope I am not too late to regret what I have done.

My mother, still holding on to something that is true, you change people by changing yourself, by giving them love and being patience.

And for my fair share, I still have too much to learn about this art of dakwah. I hope I never stop learning and will find the 'hikmah' that I have been looking for.

And mak,

I cannot wait to go back and work to serve you solely because of Allah swt. Everyday I pray that HE will keep you strong and will guide you to the right path. Ameen ya Rabb.

Mak kata. 'bila ema call mak happy la.'

I love you mak! O Allah, may we meet in the best place in the hereafter.ameen


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