AIDS and its blessings?

Alhamdulillah,alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah for each breath and strength to still face all the challenges that has come my way.

Scene: at the 'chronic cubicle'- what I called it at least- one of the patient playing oldies Malay song while I was doing my discharge summary. I smile and looked at those beautiful faces ....

I still remembered how each of them came in very ill and it even cross my mind that they might not survive but masyaAllah, they survived! all the way through, each time that their body failed them but not their will to live and with His blessings there are still breathing.

And through their eyes I see and I believe

1. Push aside the stigmata about AIDS, let us together build our life for the better

Yes, even for me a health care worker, I am scared, each time I need to take those bloods or to touch any patient with AIDS although I have the knowledge --> The prophet said ' when Allah wishes good for someone, He bestows upon him the understanding of deen.' -Al-Bukhari & Muslim, true enough knowing is not enough without hidayah from Him, how many Muslims went astray from Islam although they have the knowledge?

coming back to my main point, I also remembered what yana said about how we are too busy finding the reason how they get the infection and not on how we could manage and improve the prognosis. That is how life is, you get too caught up with the problems that you have and stop thinking about the solution (dina would be the best person for you to meet regarding this matter,hehe, miss u dear!)

SO the take away message is as an outsider and trying to put myself in their shoes,

- Trust HIM! He has promise to us that every thing that happens has its 'hikmah' no matter how dark the clouds may seem but you have to think and evaluate-'muhasabah' your life, not just the mind, it is a reminder to our hearts especially, to come back to His path. Allahu Hafiz, His love is just to great for us and never for once would He want to hurt His slave but it is us who always do the injustice to ourself.

'(It will be said): 'This is because of the deeds which thy hands sent forth, for verily Allah is not unjust to His servants.'- Al-Hajj:10

2. You are never alone

Definitely He is always near but there is a clear fact that I have learnt from them, that continuous support and love from the family members are vital. I honestly think if they did not get the support they have gotten they will not be at their best condition now. SubhanaAllah. How lucky are they, His Mercy towards them is shone through, through their love one.

Allah created Adam and Hawa ie all things come in pairs which show that in life you have to have a good circle of influence and concern, as it will have an impact in you- including in shaping your character and perception towards life. And the most luckiest is those who each time you look at and be around with will remind you of Him.

SO find a good bi'ah and appreciate it, be thankful for it. And for my sahabiah out there, be meticulous in finding your husband as he will be your imam and guide you not just here but for the here after as well, so be wise :)

3. Life is a gift

what can i say about this? it is a gift my dear brothers and sisters, a special gift from HIM. I saw a young patient die in a seconds, an old lady who still survive multiple cardiac arrest and a child who soon will die due to his cancer.

It may appears like a joke but it is not. He has chosen you and I for a reason, so fulfill your duty as His servant, treasure this gift ...

SO when you return to Him, you will be able to smile and be greeted with His salam, with no regrets ... insyaAllah

I'm sure many other things ran through my mind at that time unfortunately I only noted this few things. I hope it is beneficial. Allahu Allah, how lucky am I being able to see through their eyes, which should made me a more humble servant of His and be more thankful. insyaAllah.


Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah(sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said, "He who does not acquire knowledge with the sole intention of seeking the Pleasure of Allah but for worldly gain, will not smell the fragrance of Jannah on the Day of Resurrection.'' [Abu Dawud].

dalam mencari erti kehambaan, hakikat kehidupan :)


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