Allah, The All Knowing

Allah knows,
How deep is the sorrow,
How worry the mind is,
How uncertain this heart towards the future,
About life,
And death....

I am almost at the end of my journey,
Looking back I can never be thankful enough,
For all the laugh and tears shed,
And this heart is believing even more,
That every hardship comes easiness,
As how the night rotate with the day,
That is how this life will be.

Hence, I shall leave it to YOU,
The All Knowing,
The Most Merciful,
So long as YOU are beside me,
I shall stay strong,
No matter how big is the storm,
I will be fine,
God willing.

Please pray for me, I shall be sitting for my final examination before graduation starting on the 3rd of june 2011 til 14th june 2011.

I apologise for all my shortcomings and faults.



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